A compact-also in studio monitor-shaped 4 ways speaker system.
2108 of a 20cm cone type Woofer is adopted as low-pass 2203A of
a 30cm cone type Woofer, and inside low-pass, and the horn type tweeter 2405 is
adopted as a mid-high range 2105 of a 13cm cone type squawker, and for
super-high regions.
It hangs by supporting metal fittings on the back,
and a placement is also possible.
Finish of an enclosure has two kinds, 4315A becomes gray finish and 4315WXA
serves as walnut finish. The black grill was attached to the saran network
at 4315A. The blue grill was attached to 4315WXA.
4 ways, 4 loudspeaker bass-reflex...